We gather most Sundays at 10am.

We gather in a few different locations throughout the month as we seek to push into our 3 core strands – Doing Mission, Deepening Spiritual Life and Building Community in Cabramatta, Southwest Sydney and beyond!

This Sunday there’ll be a house-church gathering at the Davidsons’. Join us for light brunch, a time of worship, teaching & ministry. Contact us for more details.

Check out our Facebook & Instagram pages for the most up to date information or contact us at [email protected].


Sunday 27th October: House-church gathering at the Davidson’s (Cabramatta) – 10am.

Sunday 3rd November: Worship gathering at The Hub-Dhanawi @Bonnyrigg – 10am.

Sunday 10th November: House-church gathering (venue TBC) – 10am.

Sunday 17th November: Missional gathering at Cabravale Park – 10am.

Sunday 24th November: House-church gathering (venue TBC) – 10am.



House Church Gatherings – start at 10am with us sharing light brunch together followed by a time of worship for everyone. We then move to a time of teaching & ministry. This may involve someone teaching from the Bible, running a prophetic activation, a video course teaching, waiting on the Holy Spirit and/or praying for one another. We’re are usually finished by 12pm, though people tend to hang around and chat.

Worship Services @The Hub – start at 10am with tea/coffee & morning tea which leads into a time of worship at 10:15am for everyone. Following worship, we provide a space for anyone to share what they feel like God may have been saying during worship or a story from the week. We then move to a time of teaching followed by prayer ministry where we wait on the Holy Spirit and can respond to His leading. This typically runs for about 20-30mins and we’re usually finished by 12pm.

Missional Gatherings – are a casual, more social, gathering at Cabravale Park. We gather at 10am for morning tea in the fenced playground area. This is a time to connect with one another and pray for each other. Sometimes we’ll then engage with a more structured activity like prayer walking, treasure hunts, giving prophetic words to people &/or power evangelism, and some weeks we just gather socially.

Kingdom Kids – runs most weeks during the 2nd half of our gathering for children up to grade 6 (except when we’re at the park – there’s a playground!). The children will move to a separate space in the home/hall to engage in games, bible teaching, craft & praying for each other.

Communion/Lord’s Supper – is celebrated by sharing food together over brunch when we gather in homes. About once a term we also celebrate the Lord’s Supper with bread & grape juice in our worship service @The Hub.



Tithes, offerings & donations can be paid electronically to:

Cabramatta Vineyard Church;                                         BSB 032172; Acc 224891.



Catchup on previous weeks’ teachings and talk on our podcast page.