We gather most Sundays at 10am.
We gather in a few different locations throughout the month as we seek to push into our 3 core strands – Doing Mission, Deepening Spiritual Life and Building Community in Cabramatta, Southwest Sydney and beyond!
This Sunday 16th March, there’ll be a house-church gathering at the Davidsons’ place at 10am. Join us for morning tea, a time of worship, teaching & ministry. Contact us for more details.
Check out our Facebook & Instagram pages for the most up to date information or contact us at [email protected].
Sunday 16th March: House-church gathering at the Davidsons’ at 10am.
Sunday 23rd March: Sabbath picnic/Shared meal together at Jill’s at 10am.
Sunday 30th March: House-church gathering at the Faiteles’ at 10am.
Sunday 6th April: Worship gathering at The Hub @Bonnyrigg at 10am.
Sunday 13th April: House-church gathering (venue tbc) at 10am.
Good Friday 18th April: details tbc.
Easter Sunday 20th April: Worship Celebration gathering at The Hub @Bonnyrigg at 10am.
House Church Gatherings – start at 10am with us sharing morning tea & a cuppa together followed by a time of worship for everyone. We then move to a time of teaching & ministry (& the kids go out to kids church). This may involve someone teaching from the Bible, running a prophetic activation, a video course teaching, waiting on the Holy Spirit and/or praying for one another. We’re are usually finished by 12pm, though people tend to hang around and chat.
Worship Services @The Hub – start at 10am with morning tea & a cuppa which leads into a time of worship at 10:15am for everyone. Following worship, we provide a space for anyone to share what they feel like God may have been saying during worship or a story from the week. The kid then go out to kids church. We then move to a time of teaching followed by prayer ministry where we wait on the Holy Spirit and can respond to His leading. This typically runs for about 30mins and we’re usually finished by 12pm.
Sabbath Meals – are a casual, more social, gathering at a house or park. We gather at 10am for a shared meal – everyone brings something. This is a time to connect with one another and pray for each other. We reflect & be thankful for the good things from the week and celebrate being together.
Kingdom Kids – runs most weeks during the 2nd half of our gathering for children up to grade 6 (except for Sabbath meals). The children will move to a separate space in the home/hall to engage in games, bible teaching, craft & praying for each other.
Communion/Lord’s Supper – is celebrated by sharing food together at our Sabbath meal. About once a term we also celebrate the Lord’s Supper with bread & grape juice in our worship service @The Hub.
Tithes, offerings & donations can be paid electronically to:
Cabramatta Vineyard Church; BSB 032172; Acc 224891.
Catchup on previous weeks’ teachings and talk on our podcast page.